Saturday, June 5, 2010

Bodybuilding motivation.

Motivation is not to be underestimated. Most people fail building their body because they quit in the middle.
This is human nature - we want everything fast,easy and lots of it. Just like lottery.
Sports has some catch in this matter - when we first start training, our results are high. We loose water from our muscles - our weight goes down with it. It's a serious motivation boost, we are happy, we want to train more.
The next stage - our sluggish bodies begin to take shape (because they only needed this little push) - another motivation boost.
But then comes the hard part. Now you suddenly realize, that the more you advance - more effort you have to put in it. And slowly,slowly, our motivation decays. All it takes to get into this situation is 3-4month, then we are semi-satisfied with the results, and most of people quit.
But try to think - have you achieved your goals? Are you pumped with muscles, strong, have 10% body fat, and your bench-press is 150kg? Probably not.

Lets work on your motivation, then.
First of all - mindset. It is strange, yet proven - get yourself some accessory. For example - bodybuilding t-shirts. When you put on yourself one of those - you feel halfway there. It is your special bodybuilding t-shirt , and if you put it on - you are on your way to the gym,and nothing is stopping you. Definitely worked for me.
Another point - a habit. Set yourself a goal , 3 times a week, Monday,Tuesday,Thursday, at 20:00 - you are off to gym. (Choose the days, that are comfortable to you, I just randomly picked three). When it becomes your steady habit, it is much easier later on.
A friend. Meet somebody , who is also heavily into bodybuilding. You can share your progress, your workout details, your plans, diet, everything. You'll see, how a hobby partner motivates you to continue.
Set yourself a goal. Most people just go to gym, and they want "to get bigger". It doesn't work this way - you have to set yourself a clear goal. "90kg, 10% body fat, 120kb bench-press". This is a clear goal, and until you are not there - you'll keep going and going. That's our human nature, we have to complete defined goals.

More tips to come soon.
Be big, be strong, and prosper!

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